Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church is one of the oldest African American Church in Liberty, County, Liberty, Texas. She was organized in 1866 by the Parker and DeBlanc families: Dick, Ben, and Bob Parker; George Washington, Shady, Ellen, Millie and Cindy DeBlanc. After freedom, people traveled in wagons from place to place, seeking some place to call home. They settled on a hill, just east of the present church site, near a creek called Turkey Creek.
Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church was first conceived in the minds and hearts of the Parkers and the DeBlancs, the founders and organizers. For a long period of time, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study was held in the home of Mrs. Ellen Parker and her grandmother, Classie. Finally the church home site was located near the home of Mrs. Ellen Parker, and the church was organized and named “Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church”. For many years, the Creek was used for baptizing new church converts. The first church building was made of logs, daubed with mud. Pine torches were used for lights and they kept warm by a fireplace made of wood seats and wooden benches. Now with the church site, a building and most of all the Lord on their side, the founders began to Journey to the Sunrise.
Rev. Dick Parker, one of the founders also served as the first Pastor of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. He had no formal education; he could not read or write. This is not mentioned to belittle Rev. Parker, but to remind all of us what a Sovereign God can do. For those he calls, he also equips. Rev. Parker was an old spiritual preacher and he pastored for a short period of time before the Lord called him home.
Rev. Dane Parker, the second Pastor, was the son of Pastor Dick Parker and he served a short period of time.
Rev. Burrell Harris, the third Pastor, served the church well.
Rev. N. Jones, the fourth Pastor, led the congregation in building the first church building made of lumber. The lights were oil lamps hung on the wall and now they had wooden heaters. Later God called him home; thank you Pastor Jones for a job well done.
Rev. Mose Allen, the fifth Pastor, served faithfully. As the years passed and the membership grew, Pastor Allen led the congregation to build a bigger building. Pastor Allen was called home to be with the Lord before the building was completed.
Rev. Elisha Green, the sixth Pastor, finished the building of the church after the passing of Pastor Allen. The church building was completed in 1921 and a dedication service was held, along with having the first cornerstone laid by the Odd Fellows Lodge. Engraved on the cornerstone was the names: Chairman of Deacons – Dea. Bob Prophet, Dea Nathaniel Brown, Charlie Brooks, Oliver Green, Robert Cook, Martin Carpenter, Felix Friend, and the Church Clerk, Sis Charlotte DeBlanc. Rev. Green continued to serve for a long period of time until he was called into another field of ministry. In the later years the church building was severely damaged and later demolished. Some of the church history and records that were placed behind the stone was removed and were given to Sis. Ellen Books, Church Clerk. Again, the Turkey Creek Family put their trust in God; for once again they were without a Shepherd and with a church building. A cost of $1,300.00 was the financial goal to construct another building. Members and friends pledged $1.00 or what they could afford and began having membership dues of $0.25 per member; they also received pledges of other believers from far and near: California – Br. Frost Wilson – $2.00; Dea. W. T. Beard – $2.25; Rev. Eddie Prophet, Rev. L. Dentman, Rev. T. W. Wilt, Rev. E. Mosley, Bro. & Sis McNulty of Mexico; Bro. Ned Oliver, Bro. Sip Baldwin, Rev. H. Winter, Dea. M. Thompkin, Dea. Sandy DeBlanc, Bro. H. Ivory and Dea. Z. Mickins – all pledged – $1.00. In the 1920’s Dea. Charlie Brooks bought the present tract of property known as the M. G. White League, and then deeded the church ¼ acre for the church members to continue their Journey to the Sunrise.
Rev. Eddie Prophet was the seventh Pastor during this time. At this point of history in the life of Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church, the church motto was: “Go Forward”. The church secretaries were Sis. Carrie DeBlanc, Sis Effie Bankhead, Charlotte DeBlanc; Sis Margaret Redmond – Secretary of the Sunday School; Church Treasurer – Dea. Charlie Brooks and Susanna Prophet, Pastor’s Aid – Sis. Olivia Ivory. The first choir of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church was organized in the 1930’s with the first musician, Mrs. M. L. Green Varner. Choir’s first President – Bro. Earnest Brooks; Vice President – Sis Beatrice McCown.
Rev. J. W. Wingfield was the eighth Pastor.
Rev. H. Y. Tennessee of Houston, Texas was the ninth Pastor and served for a long period of time.
Rev. A. D. Talton was the tenth Pastor and during his Pastorage, the church building burned down. Mr. Joe Smith and Rev. Moore of Anahuac, Texas were employed to build another church building for the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. During the rebuilding, Rev. Talton died. And once again Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church was without a Shepherd and without a church building.
Rev. J. J. Johnson was called as the eleventh Pastor and through his leadership the building was completed; the Mason Brothers Lodge laid the second cornerstone in 1960. The Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church has been through many storms and much rain; she has been down, but not counted out. The old building, built in 1960, served as our home for Worship and Praise. The old cornerstone still stands and it reads: Sis. Beatrice McCown – Church Clerk; Dea. Henry Brooks – Chairman of Deacons; Vincent Edwards – Vice Chairman; Dea. Elisha Edwards, Earnest Brooks, George Redmon, and Maurice Redmon And again the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church is on her Journey to the Sunrise.
In 1960, after the old building was erected and dedicated, Rev. Richard Roberts of Houston, Texas was called as the twelfth Pastor. Pastor Roberts, a God sent Shepherd, led this church faithfully and spiritually. Many souls were won to Christ and many members were restored to the church fellowship. During Pastor Roberts’ Pastorage, many auxiliary leaders were appointed and several auxiliaries were born. Through his leadership, Ministers joined and some began their ministry under his leadership. To name them: Rev. Curtis Brooks, Rev. Robert Seals – Assistant Pastor, Rev. Henry Clark Bankhead, Rev. George Wilson, Rev. B. B. Winters, Rev. Francis Edwards, Rev. Henry Lee Edwards, Rev. Keith Turner, Sr., and Rev. Lionel Henderson. Many things were done to the exterior and the interior of the building during the leadership of Rev. Roberts: annexation of the Fellowship Hall, installation of the Baptismal Pool and much much more. In April 1997, during the Spring Revival, at the end of the service, Pastor Roberts stood and said to the evangelist, Rev. Paul Edward Cross, Sr. and the Turkey Creek Family that he thanked God for Pastor Cross, coming each year for approximately 15 years as our evangelist, but the next night, the last night of the revival, would be the last time he would host him as Pastor for he was retiring due to his health. Pastor Cross and the church were shocked. Then Pastor Roberts asked Pastor Cross if he would come back on the fourth Sunday in June to preach his Farewell Service. So on the fourth Sunday in June, 1997, with Sis. Herbert Roberts by his side, Pastor Roberts gracefully stepped down after 36 years of faithful service. And once again, after 36 years, the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church Family was without a Shepherd.
The church grew and lives were changed. Rev. Roberts was married to Herbert Roberts and they have a daughter Carol, and two grandchildren. Sis. Herbert Roberts was a loving, kind member and First Lady of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. She stood by the side of Pastor Roberts as First Lady of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church for 36 years. Sis. Roberts departed this life on March 18, 1999. The members of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church Family love and miss her very much. Turkey Creek will always be thankful for the labor of Pastor Richard Roberts and Sis. Herbert Roberts
Rev. Robert Seals, the Assistant Pastor, along with the Deacon Board, held us together until God gave us orders to begin again to the Journey to the Sunrise.
On July 26, 1997, Rev. Paul Edward Cross, Sr. was called as the Thirteenth Pastor of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Cross comes from the Mt. Bethel Baptist Church of Cuero, Texas. Married to Deborah, they have three children: Marcus, Paul Edward (Eddie) and LeQuisha. The Crosses also have an extended family: Joyce, Jasmine and Keith.
On October 26, 1997, Pastor Cross was installed into the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Guest speaker was the Rev. O. C. Johnson of the Lyons Unity Baptist Church of Houston, Texas. Much has happened in the life of Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Cross. From July 1997 until November 1999 approximately 55 members have joined, either by letter or baptism The Staff was as follows:Rev. Paul Edward Cross, Sr., Pastor, Rev. Richard Roberts – Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Robert Seal Assistant Pastor, Associate Ministers, Rev. James Cross Rev. Morris Brooks, Jr. Rev. Larry Brooks, Rev. Marcus Cross, Rev. Eldrige McKnight, Rev. Keith Turner, Rev. Greg Bellard. Deacons Vincent Edwards, Chairman, George Redmon, Vice Chairman, Norman Barnet, Secretary, Clyde Edwards, Treasurer. Earnest Lawson, Larry Tippins, Harvey Johnson, George W. Redmon, David Boston, John Broussard Veola Redmon, Clerk, Joyce Young, Secretary. In 1998 Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church purchased ¾ acres of land from Maurice and Ola Redmond. The church was gift-deeded 1.25 acres of land from the Pickett Family and Ann Noel. After land was secured, the Turkey Creek met and voted to construct a new church building. This begins our Journey to the Sunrise. Dea. Norman Barnett was appointed as Contractor for the new church building. With this 140 years of history, we were blessed to have two members, Sis. Ellen Brooks and Sis. Ada Warren who have been members of the church for over 72 years. We had three members over 56 years: Sis. Mary Lee Cook Dickerson, Sis. Virginia DeBlanc Edwards and Sis. Ola B. DeBlanc Redmond. All who currently sleep with Jesus. On November 25, 2001, the 135th Church Anniversary and Homecoming, was our final Homecoming Service in our old building. This date also commemorated our “Ground Breaking Ceremony”. Dea. Norman Barnett, along with the construction crew, started on the construction of our present church building on December 6, 2001. On February 9, 2003, we had our final Church service in the old building. And the following Sunday, we start having Church services at the Liberty City Hall. On February 23, 2003, we had our Entrance and Ribbon Cutting Service for our New Church building. This is the day we moved into our New Church Building. On March 16, 2003, Turkey Creek had our Dedication Service for the New Church building with the Motto: “Except the Lord Build The House.” Many thanks to Dea. Norman Barnett and his crew for their dedication, perseverance, steadfastness, and commitment for a job well done. We pray that this new church building will serve this community for many years to come.
On January 26, 2005, Pastor Emeritus Richard Roberts, passed away.
February 19, 2006, 2:30 p.m., our new cornerstone was erected onto our new church building. The United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Texas Inc. was in attendance. To God Be The Glory.
After his faithful contribution On December 10, 2009, Pastor Paul Edward Cross, Sr. passed away.
August 1, 2010 Rev. Alristelle K. Thomas, was called as the Fourteenth Pastor of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Thomas comes from the Macedonia Baptist Church, Ville Platte, LA. Married to Kenyata. They have four children: Khayri, Kayla, Cadence and Chloe. September 19, 2010, Pastor Thomas was installed into the Turkey Missionary Baptist Church. Guest speaker was the Rev. Nicholas Thomas of the Mohorn Baptist Church. Prior to Sis. Ellen Brooks’ death in 2011, she handed over the history of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church to Sis. Claudette Barnett. We would like to thank Sis. Ellen Brooks for keeping this history alive prior to her death. Staff members in Year 2012 under Pastor Thomas leadership were Sis. Veola Redmon, Clerk Sis. LeQuisha Hammitt, secretary, Rev. Terrence Edwards, Rev. Robert Seals (resigned as Assistant Pastor in Year 2010), Rev. Larry Brooks, Minister Mark Gordon, Associates ministers
On October 13, 2012, Ministers Margaret Turner and Anitra Kay Thomas were the first women who preached in the pulpit at the Turkey Creek Baptist Church on our first ever Women’s Conference. On January 27, 2013, the Turkey Creek Baptist Children’s Church was organized and Rev. Terrence Edwards was appointed as Youth Pastor. Rev. Larry Brooks, Minister Gerald Brooks, Minister Mark Gordon, Minister Tyrone Woods, and Minister Alice Williams. On July 17, 2013, a Substance Abuse Program was organized under the Development Community Group for counseling men and women that need help. The meetings were held every Wednesday from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Turkey Creek Baptist Church, commencing September 25, 2013. The Community Development board members will conduct the counseling sessions. On September 18-20, 2013, our first tent revival was scheduled in Ames, Texas under the leadership of Minister Alice Williams. The revival was held only on September 18; September 19-20 was rained out. On May 25-30, 2014, First City-Wide Revival of Liberty County hosted by the Turkey Creek Baptist Church. Associate Ministers were Rev. Larry Brooks, Minister Gerald Brooks, Minister Tyrone Woods, Minister Alice Williams, Minister Kamirra Grays, Minister Wallace Grant, Jr., Minister Doris Cormier, Minister Joyce Edwards, Minister Deborah Cross, and Minister Tyra Ramirez
On July 6, 2014, 2nd location was organized called Turkey Creek Houston located at 8511 Mesa Road, Houston, TX 77028. On August 1, 2014, Pastor Terence Edwards was appointed Campus Pastor of Turkey Creek Houston on November 2, 2014. April 2015, cameras were installed in the entire church building. On May 23, 2015, Women Ministry organized under the leadership of Brittany Wilson On June 7, 2015, Turkey Creek Houston relocated from 8511 Mesa Drive, Houston, TX to 9005 Shady Lane, Houston, TX. On July 5, 2015, Robin Brown was appointed Director of the Turkey Creek Children’s Church. Minister Kamirra Grays and Minister Johnny Wilson were appointed Advisors to the Children’s Church. On July 26, 2015 First Church Anniversary of Turkey Creek Houston
January 20, 2016 – After God gave Sis. Claudette Barnett a vision/plan on September 17, 2015 to pay off our last church note mortgage burning, a pledge wall was put up at the Creek front foyer. Members and other believers signed up with their pledges to burn our church mortgage of $90,000.00 on November 27, 2016. Our theme was “Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” Zechariah 4:6. In addition, letters were hand-carried to Business and individuals in Liberty, Texas, Liberty County, asking for donations to help burn our mortgage. although it was a great success were unsuccessful.
On March 20, 2016 – The church fellowship hall was named the Richard Roberts Fellowship Hall in honor of Pastor Richard Roberts, our 12th Pastor, who served for 36 years as Pastor of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church (1960-1996). The kitchen was named “Charlotte Edwards Kitchen” in recognition of her long and committed service as head culinary for the Turkey Creek family kitchen/cafeteria. Also, a library was established in honor of Pastor Paul E. Cross, Sr., our 13th Pastor.
On June 4, 2016 – Rev. A. K. Thomas was terminated as Pastor
Executive Pastor Terence C. Edwards, along with the Deacon Board, oversaw the leadership of the Turkey Creek Church family. In addition to them, other pastors and preachers from other folds came and preached to our church family every month.
On June 27, 2016 – Rev. Terence C. Edwards was appointed as Interim Pastor of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church by the Deacon Board.
On July 24, 2016 – After much debate, the Deacon Board came to the conclusion that the Houston Church, during our new birth of our home church, is no longer viable at this time. With much sorrow and regret, the Houston campus was shut down after service
On August 15, 2016 – Letters were mailed to President Obama and Governor Abbott, requesting a “Special Certificate” for the celebration of our 150-year Church Anniversary, burning of the last mortgage, and dedication of our Historical Marker
On August 1 2016 – The Media Ministry was established under interim Pastor Edwards. On June 1 2017 Pastor Edwards, along with the deacons and the media team, Dustin Ford and Trevan Beaty, had a meeting to advance our media technology. On July 24, 2017 the church purchased screens TVs and video system.
On November 27, 2016 – The Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church family celebrated our 150-Year Church Anniversary at 3:00 p.m. God blessed us with an awesome worshipping service during the morning service and at 3:00 p.m. During the 3:00 p.m. service, Interim Pastor Terence C. Edwards, Pastor Mark A. Edwards, and the deacons left the service in progress to go out front of the sanctuary and they burned the mortgage papers, in anticipation of actually paying off the note in approximately one year (we raised approximately $23,000.00 on this day that will be put on the balance of the mortgage note). A copy of the mortgage note paperwork was placed on the wall in the front foyer of the sanctuary. Also Mrs. Linda Jamison (Liberty County Commission Chairman) presented a draft of the Historical Marker on this day, but the actual marker will be placed in front of the church building in approximately two weeks. We received a letter from President Barack Obama, a certificate from Governor GregAbbott, proclamations from Mayor Carl Pickett (Liberty County) and County Judge J. H. Knight (Liberty County) – these were also placed on the wall in the front foyer of the sanctuary.
January 1, 2017 – Interim Pastor Terence C. Edwards adopted our new church motto: “THE CHURCH WHERE LOVE ABIDES”.
February 13, 2017 – Our historical marker was put in place at our church site: 1600 Wallisville Road, Liberty, TX. The Liberty County Historical Commission was honored to do this during Black History month.
February 19, 2017, Rev. Terence C. Edwards was called as the Fifthteenth Pastor of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. The Officer, Deacons, and entire church membership (100{dab4df8c9a1795512fba49cf58c49210e3ef029bb9567b32e3a4f92a6735e74c}) voted him as our next Pastor. He is the youngest Pastor ever called to the church as the age of 27.
March 30, 2017 – Deacon Norman Barnett and Grate Holloman constructed a flower bed, which they included flags (US, Texas, Christian, Church, All Lives Matter, Memorial, and Welcome), and beautiful flowers and bricks. This flower bed protects our Historical marker. A second flower bed was constructed around the church sign.
June 11, 2017 – Dustin Ford, Derrick Daniels, and Richard Young, Jr. were ordained as deacons of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Ordination service was held at 11:00 a.m.
July 1, 2017 – Pastor Elect Terence C. Edwards was united in Holy Matrimony to Darcie Glade.
July 23, 2017 – Pastor Elect Terence C. Edwards was installed as the 15th Pastor of the Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Installation service was held at 3:30 pm Dr. John Adolph and the Antioch church of Beaumont were the guest. August 2017 – The media technology was upgraded: screens were installed in the sanctuary, the fellowship had, and the children’s church. People from all over the world can view our services live. February 11, 2018 – “Family and Friends’ Day” was formed with Turkey Creek MBC, Valley Community Bible Church, and First Baptist Church – will be held annually in the Month of February.
April 28, 2018 – Gospel Concert with Dorothy Norwood, Endurance, and Chester Baldwin & Company, along with the Turkey Creek MBC Choir and choir members of other local churches, accompanying Evangelist Dorothy Norwood with several songs.
August 12, 2018 – Dea. Derrick Daniels preached his first sermon at the Turkey Creek MBC. Our church family sponsored “Feed the Hungry” from 12 noon until 3:00 p.m. – location: 102 West Main Street, Ames, Texas. We fed approximately 70 people. Minister Derrick Daniels was appointed “Youth Pastor” of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church. Minister Derrick Daniels was ordained as licensed preacher with all privileges that come with this position. June 19, 2019 Proclamation from the City of Liberty County, Liberty, Texas declaring “Pastor Terence C. Edwards Day” on every fourth Sunday in the month of June. The Security Team of TCMBC was formed. Members are as follows:
On March 22, 2020 the world experienced a global Pandemic cause by Covid-19 which resulted in all worship opportunity in person was suspended at the Creek. May 30, 2020 Pastor T and the TCMBC hosted our first “Food Drive” at the church site to feed the hungry and give back to the community (surrounding area: Liberty, Dayton, Daisetta, Ames, Hardin, etc.) – showing love. The Young Adults sponsored the drive. June 2020 Pastor Terence C. Edwards became a full-time pastor of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church. July 2020 The Young Adults coordinated the 3rd Pastor and Wife Anniversary, during the Pandemic Era. Members of church drove by the sanctuary, leaving gifts for the Pastor and wife. September 6, 2020 The sanctuary was opened to 50 of the members to attend in person, with restriction, such as face mask, social distancing, and temperature checks upon entry. October 6, 2020 The sanctuary was opened to 75 of the members to attend in person, with same restrictions, online worship opportunities were still available.
June 28, 2021 A dedicated and faithful member of the Creek who wish to remain anonymous donated the final balance amount to the Creek to pay off our church mortgage: $12,194.00. January 31, 2021 Pastor T announced to the congregation during worship service that the church was paid off. We also celebrated the “Mother of the Church, Mama Bernice Redmon, 99th birthday.
March 21, 2021 We held our “Mortgage Burning Celebration” Pastor Tolan Morgan of the Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warners Robins, Georgia, was a guest speaker – oh what a word: “A Giant Blessing” from 1 Samuel 17:48-51; 18:1-5.
May 7, 2021 We partnered with Busy Bee Mobile Clinic to administer the COVID vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) to the members and other residents in the community and surrounding communities. The vaccines were given at the TCMBC/Richard Roberts Fellowship Hall. They returned back at the hall several weekends afterward to receive the second vaccine.
Much has happen through historic church history, with God on our side we will continue to strive to be the church he is leading and calling us to be.